Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Big Brother Amplified: Alex Up For Eviction... As Karen Sacrifices Herself

Monday night’s Big Brother Amplified nominations show saw Nigeria’s Karen desperately trying to make history as she boldly nominated herself for elimination and refused to save herself as Head of House. Meanwhile, Ghana’s Alex broke his record as the only housemate who has never faced the real threat of eviction since the competition started.

Big Brother announced the nominated housemates for eviction as Alex, Karen, Miss P, Sharon O, and Weza. When Karen was asked whom she would save and replace, she hesitated for a long time, decided to save herself and replace herself with Vimbai. But at the stroke of confirming her choice with Big Brother, she changed her mind saying she wouldn’t be saving and replacing anyone.

During the nominations earlier in the day, Karen said she thinks everyone deserves to take the money home and it was not up to her to make an assertion as to who should not be the last Housemate standing. When Miss P was Head of House, she saved Karen and put Mumba up for possible Eviction. Karen was delighted at the gesture, even though relations between the two of them were strained and continued to remain so until very recently when the girls entered into a pact that required them to nominate the guys out and ensure a female winner.

Of the six Housemates that Nominated Miss P, Luclay was the only guy and he said it was nothing personal, but he was just playing the game and felt Miss P would better cope outside the House. He waxed lyrical about her great personality, but said he fails to justify keeping her in the game any longer than she has been in the House already.

Miss P became target for the girls as they were all in agreement that she was foolish in exposing her game-plan with Alex and telling them that her fooling around with him was just for show. Sharon O said she never clicked with Miss P from the day they entered the House, so her decision was easier. As for Weza, who has made several attacks on Miss P in the last 48 hours, trust was key and she felt Miss P broke that by trying to play them with Alex.

Mumba had a lot to say about Miss P; none of which was positive. She labeled her as selfish, childish and not being herself. Weza went on to nominate Millicent; something we all expected but Millicent surprised us when she did not return the favour and opted to nominate Kim and Alex instead. Weza and Millicent have been at odds since the week Weza left the Heads House for Tails. Millicent confronted Weza for spreading rumours about Felicia being a witch.

Alex is the only guy that nominated another guy; he went for Zeus and Karen, explaining that Zeus was convinced there exists an alliance among the boys and Zeus is the ring leader.

As usual, peacefmonline.com is appealing to all Ghanaians and fans of Alex to vote to save him from eviction. Send or text: VOTE ALEX to the shortcode I477 on the following networks Expresso, TIGO, MTN, VODAFONE and AIRTEL

Check out how the Nominations Played Out below:

Miss P (Botswana) ---- 6 Nominations (Weza, Sharon O, Mumba, Luclay, Hanni and Bernardina)

Karen (Nigeria) ------- 5 Nominations (Vimbai, Mumba, Alex and She put herself up (2) nominations)

Alex (Ghana) --- 4 Nominations (Vimbai, Sharon O, Millicent and Hanni)

Weza (Angola) -------- 3 Nominations (Zeus, Miss P and Lomwe)

Sharon O (Uganda) ------ 3 Nominations (Zeus, Wendall and Lomwe)

Wendall (Zimbabwe) ---- 2 Nominations (Vina and Kim)

Zeus (Botswana) ------ 2 Nominations (Vina and Alex)

Kim (Zambia) ---------- 2 Nominations (Millicent and Bernardina)

Bernardina (Namiba) ----- 2 Nominations (Luclay and Kim)

Millicent (Kenya) -------- 1 Nomination (Weza)

Vina (Nigeria) ----------- 1 Nomination (Wendall)

Mumba (Namibia) ------- 1 Nomination (Miss P)

Hanni (Ethiopia)------- No Nomination

Lomwe (Malawi) -------- No Nomination

Luclay (South Africa)–--No Nomination

Vimbai (Zimbabwe) ----- No Nomintion

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